The Defence of RAF Predannack Down Predannack Down, as an operational air defence station, was transformed from a simple landing strip to a huge operational centre in a very short time. The battle was not just with the enemy but also with the weather, the location, and the supply ministries.
Images from this fascinating booklet can be seen opposite.
Price £5.00 plus p+p at £1.20 Discount available for orders in excess of 10 copies.
Roaring Meg Test firing a copy of Colonel Birch's civil war mortar.
This book and DVD (a sample of which is shown below), chart the history of this famous siege mortar, and using a full size working replica, demonstrate the impressive power of this weapon for the first time in 360 years.
Price £12.95 plus p+p at £2.00. Discount available for orders in excess of 10 copies.
A walk around the fortifications and artillery of Garrison Hill, (The Hugh), St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly.
Price £5.00 plus p+p at £1.20 Discount available for orders in excess of 10 copies.
Navy and Army vol I 1896
Price: £100
Navy and Army vol II 1896
Price: £100
Navy and Army vol III 1896/7
Price: £100
Navy and Army vol V 1897/8
Price: £100
Navy and Army vol XII 1901
Price: £100
Navy and Army vol XIII 1901/2
Price: £100
Infantry Training vol 1 No.6B GPMG 1968
Price: £15
Infantry Training vol 1 No.6A GPMG 1966
Price: £15
Infantry Training vol 11 No.21 heavy/mortar 1968
Price: £15
Infantry Training vol 1 No.9 3.5” rocket 1968
Price: £15
Infantry Training vol 1 No.10 sniping 1951
Price: £20
Infantry Training vol 1 No.4 sub-machine 1955
Price: £15
Infantry Training vol 1 No.3B 7.62 self-loading 1965 £20Price: £40
Infantry Training vol 1 No.2 Fieldcraft 1954
Price £15
Infantry Training vol 1 No.12 fire-control 1949 Price: £15
Infantry Training vol 1 No.1 General instructions 1961 Price £10
Infantry Training vol 1 No.7 Grenades 1964
Price £15
Schedule of Prices Works and Repair buildings WD 1925 Price £20
The Woolwich Mess, Burne A.H. Aldershot 1954 Price £10
Front Line 1940-1 poor covers
Price £5
RAMC Training 1935
Price £20
Anti Gas Training 1938
Price £15
LDV Training Instruction 2 1940 (Training)
Price £5
LDV Training Instruction 4 1940 (Training)
Price £5
LDV Training Instruction 8 1940 (Tanks)
Price £5
Food…and poison gas, 1940
Price £10
The Service Rifle…plus leaflets - Gale and Polden
Price £40
Battle of the Narrow Seas, Scott P., Country Life 1945
Price £60
Field Service Pocket Book, approx 13 inserts – 1939-43
Price £110
Living in the Jungle
Price £15
Discharge Army Book 111 RADC/DCA NAT SERVICE
Price £5
Soldier’s release Class “A” Aldershot
Price £5
Certificate of Service B.108D
Price £5
WD driving permit
Price £5
Monthly Settlements, Accounts, Royal Horse Guards, 1868
Price £50
National Service, 1939
Price £15
Royal Marines,1944
Price £15
Catalogue Naval and Military Exhibition. 1889
Price £25
Drill all arms 1951
Price £20
Personal Protection against Gas, 1938
Price £20
Royal Warrant pay and promotion 1893
Price £25
Small Arms Manual, Barlow J.A. 1942(1953)
Price £30
Medical Treatment of Gas Casualties, 1937
Price £20
The Duties of Air Raid Wardens1938
Price £15
Roof Over Britain, 1943
Price £20
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Lawrence 1946
Price £20
Forty Years of the Spitfire, RAS, 1976
Price £40
Manual of Map Reading, Photo Reading etc..1929
Price £50
British Military Uniforms, Carman W.Y., 1957
Price £20
How the RAF Works, Narracott A.H.
Price £30
Allied signal manual 1918
Price £25
Cavalry Training, 1912(1915)
Price £50
Comrades in Arms, 1942 Three Talks to junior officers
Price £5
The Eighth Army, HMSO 1943
Price £20
Coastal Command, HMSO 1942
Price £20
Pavement Design for Roads and Airfields, 1954
Price £10
Ground Engineers Manual, Robinson A.C. 1939
Price £20
Manual of Military Engineering, 1905
Price £75